Internet Purchasing

Items can be added to the shopping cart easily and without leaving a catalogue page. The shopping cart can be reviewed and altered at any time. Finalising the sale is as simple as providing delivery details and arranging payment. CONTROL e-POS supports a large variety of PCI DSS compliant online payment gateways.

The completed transaction appears in CONTROL as a customer order just like other customer orders entered through other CONTROL modules, but these are sold by the “Internet” salesperson. Any new customer details go straight into the CONTROL customer management system ready for any future targeted marketing campaign.

An online purchase will immediately update the availability of stock in the online store and the associated “bricks and mortar” stock location. Similarly, items sold or transferred from the “bricks and mortar” location will update online availability.

One or more staff members are automatically emailed details of new online purchases so they can be actioned promptly.